Top 10k strings from Timequest (1983)(Mikro-Gen)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   3 ttack     
   3 perate tachyon generator          
   2 ove           ":
   2 nd move   
   2 hange weapon  
   2 ake weapon     "
   1 ump                 "
   1 s         
   1 r         
   1 ove           "
   1 nd attack             "
   1 irection    
   1 elect     
   1 c         @
   1 RULES     
   1 Created by Muf
   1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;                   
   1 ;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                  `>;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;            `      >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   1 ;;;;;;;;;                   
   1 ;;;;;                                                                ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>
   1 ;;';;;;;;;;;                   >;;;;;;;;;;;;                   >;;
   1 ;"the time you have to return     before your powerpack runs out. Pressing any key,will give you  the details of the era in which you land and the foes you will  meet there."
   1 ;"or is it a distant giggling frominside the ship? No,that can't  be right-sound can't travel in  a vacuum."
   1 ;"of any injuries incurred in the landing.You will also see a     clock,which counts up to twelve hours (game time),for this is  "
   1 ;"Your weapons,which are         scattered on the battlefield    are as shown;"
   1 ;"Your own characteristics are   DEXTERITY(starts at 8),DEFENCE  (12) and MOVEMENT(6).Your       ENDURANCE starts at 20 and will be reduced as you receive woundsYou will have a chance to       recover,if you kill the enemy   but this incurs a time penalty  (20 minutes per ENDURANCE point)"
   1 ;"Your enemies have ATTACK/DEFENCEstrength RANGE (if they have    range weapons) and SKILL,which  represents their chances of     hitting you."
   1 ;"You will then have two options."
   1 ;"You may attempt to travel      through time when you are       carrying the tachygen component."
   1 ;"You fight desparately to repairyour ship.But time is running   out.The last sound you hear,as  the massive gravitational forcesdrag you over the event horizon,is a faint rumbling in your ears"
   1 ;"You are on patrol,investigatingreports of mineral deposits on  the planet Minerva 7.Your only  companion is your friendly      neighbourhood computer 'ava'."
   1 ;"You are drawn down into the    whirlpool of time and emerge    somewhere in the past or is it  the future?"
   1 ;"When the attack option is      chosen an arrow will appear at  the top lefthand corner of the  screen.The arrow is positioned  over the target figure using theD and G keys as for movement.   Having positioned the arrow,    pressing the R key will produce values for the range of the     shot and the chance of a hit."
   1 ;"Use your tachygen to select era 
   1 ;"Under certain conditions you   will have no option but to end  your movement in which case     press E."
   1 ;"The weapons will get unloaded asyou use them,they have four     levels of unloading,when their  status reaches 0,they may not befired."
   1 ;"The weapon he is currently     using (
   1 ;"The chance of you being hit    depends on the enemy skill,and  your DEFENCE strength,which     will also go down if you are    wounded.                         Your MOVEMENT is reduced if youreceive wounds."
   1 ;"The chance of hitting an enemy depends on the range,the attack strength of your weapon,the     enemy defence strength,and your DEXTERITY,which will go down if you are badly wounded."
   1 ;"The best way to learn the      tactics of the game is by       playing it.You will meet a wide range of opponents and differenttactics will work in different  battles."
   1 ;"The attempt is made by pressingthe O key."
   1 ;"The attack option is selected  by pressing A.You will then be  given the following options."
   1 ;"The arrow points in the        direction you will go when you  press G.If you are pinned you   cannot move.To pick up an objectmove onto the object and press PTo change weapon press C,then   press T to take that weapon."
   1 ;"The actions available are shown at the bottom of the screen."
   1 ;"TIMEQUEST":
   1 ;"Stunner";
   1 ;"She also adds,rather smuggly,  that you are on the edge of a   black hole.No time to lose.      Bravely,you venture forth,     carrying your weapons pack and  tachygen (tachyon generator)."
   1 ;"STRENGTH          UNLOAD"
   1 ;"Pressing the O key is an       attempt to travel through time, you may or may not be successfulyou must have picked up the     tachygen to try this option."
   1 ;"Pressing the M key will allow  you to move,actions are;"
   1 ;"Pressing the F key fires the   shot,and the result will be     shown.Only one shot is allowed  per combat round."
   1 ;"Phasor";
   1 ;"On the outward journey 'ava'   advises you that a fault has    developed,which can only be     fixed by going EVA."
   1 ;"Loading RULES";
   1 ;"Laser Rifle"
   1 ;"In this battle Gryf(
   1 ;"If you wish to end the attack  without firing,then pressing theE key will return to the basic  options."
   1 ;"If you kill off all the enemy, you will have the option of     resting to recover from wounds. It takes 20 minutes(game time)  to recover one wound point."
   1 ;"He is pinned by two spearmen   (North and South) and cannot    move.Only N,S,E and W positions cause a pin."
   1 ;"GOOD LUCK!!!"
   1 ;"For as everyone knows,a tachygenis indispensible if you happen  to fall into a black hole."
   1 ;"FRIDAY 27th MAY 1999: 6.00 p.m. "
   1 ;"Each piece has a salvage value and you need to collect 20      points of salvage,to be able to return home to 'ava'.As you get more salvage you will be able tocontrol your time travel more   accurately.As you emerge from   the whirlpool you will be told  "
   1 ;"During the course of the game  you will land in different eras in time.The components of your  tachygen have been scattered    through time and you must       collect enough pieces to allow  you to control your travel      through time and return to your own era."
   1 ;"By pressing J you will travel  randomly through time.You may   attempt to select the era in    which you land by pressing S.   Your chances of success depend  on the amount of salvage you    have collected.When you have 20 salvage points you will have    complete control of your travel and may return home(1999)."
   1 ;"An arrow will appear at your   current location,pressing D willchange the direction of the     arrow."
   1 ;"A battlescene is shown on the  next page" 
   1 ;" Timequest is a science fiction,role-playing game.You take the  part of Gryf Allan,an explorer  with the Federation."
   1 )is in state 1 (almost  unloaded),the other weapon is instate 4.He has received 7 woundsthis being shown by the black onyellow bar to the right of the  battlefield."
   1 ),value(Val) of 3,his total points(Ct) is 0.The tachygen(
   1 ) is      fighting Persian spearman(
   1 ) in the year 490 BC.He is 1 hour and8 minutes   into the adventure  and has picked up two weapons   (
   1 ) are lying on the ground."
   1 ) and the phasor  (
   1 ) and  salvage(
   1     20       20       30%";
   1     20        5       20%"
   1     15       10       10%"
   1                     ;;;;;;;;;;;;                    ;;;;8888;;;;                    ;;;;;;;;;;;;   `                ;;;;;;;;;;;;